by moonlil
That is really sad. I like it. |
by Bryan
Another fantastic poem jenna, from the title and the first line make you wanna read the rest, i also like how u startd from abab to aabb. even the nding is great, i rate it a 5/5!!! keep up the good work!!!! |
by aDORKable x3
Jenna honey! With each poem I read, I fall in love with your work all over again! The way you can draw the reader in with a story and the way you use a grand sense of vocabulary ((ambiguity)) it amazes me. With each new piece I read, it makes me realize that talent is still all over the place and that I can do so much better ((not saying I suck lmao)). I look up to your work and I'm glad that I'm in your club! :] Love you oodles! <33 |