Curtains Close (Acrostic)

by I Seem to be the Heartless   Apr 26, 2007

Courage, it takes courage to stand on stage
Unbelievable are the jitters you get from
Running around backstage
Trying to get ready for your scene
Already your turn
Instantly you're stressed
No one can see you shaking
Still your nerves are shot

Curtains close
Laughter erupts from inside your stomach
Only this is laughter caused by nerves not humor
Standing centre stage, taking a bow, the crowd erupts
Endless applause

25 April 2007
This was done for a contest.


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  • 17 years ago

    by MaSkEdSoUl

    Oooww that was good. Everything flowed very well. I'm guessing the word 'in' wasnt supposed to be on a line? lol anyways it was a great poem. Keep it up! 5/5

    Oh and you spelled Curtains wrong in the title...