by myshiningstar14   Apr 26, 2007

I disowned you,
you captured me.
I tried to leave you,
you beat me.
I tried to forgive you,
you made me NEVER

I prayed for you,
you cursed me in
my sleep.
I tried to help you,
you tried to hurt me.
I held onto you,
you let me go.

I forgave you,
you tore my heart
in two.
I loved you,
you hated me with
a passion.
I wandered in your
and day and night
as I lye asleep,
your face haunts me.

**found this in my poems, enjoy.**


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  • 16 years ago

    by Christen

    I love this poem!!! for some reason i cant get into writting anymore... but i love thiss !!! 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by kitkat girl

    This is a good poem!! I have one suggestion at:
    "as I lye asleep,"
    isn't lye spelled lie??[i'm not sure??].
    nice job.

  • 17 years ago

    by xxSnow Angelxx

    Very Beautiful poem...just loved it!...it's superb!...well penned!
    Tk care!

  • 17 years ago

    by Weeping Wolf

    Hi melissa!

    First i want to say, very good poem (first i've read of yours) it seems like a web of emotions trying to stay in and escape a relationship at the same time. i've felt that way many times before. Also, i want to thank you for all the wonderfulllll comments on my poems, it made my day. I'll read more of yours because you sound like a wonderful poet yourself.

  • 17 years ago

    by Sourav

    It's a good one... I like the style.