I'm here for you

by SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG   Apr 27, 2007

Smile like you mean it,
Pretend to care once more,
I'll be here pretending too,
As I always was before.

I'm not whole on the inside,
But I want to help you be,
I have so much faith in you,
Because I've lost all faith in me.

Please let me into your heart,
Or just push me far away,
Don't sit here and play with me,
I don't know what else to say.

If I'm just a nuisance,
Say it to my face,
Don't let me bother you,
Put me in my place.

I'm hurting the same as you,
But you don't quite understand,
I'm happy when you're happy,
Please just take my hand.

I'll hold you up as best I can,
I'll try not to break under the strain,
Please just let me be here for you,
Let me share in your pain.

I don't know if I can help you,
But please just let me try,
I hate it when you are feeling down,
I don't want to see you cry.

You pretend to be so strong,
But I can see you're about to break,
From all the blows life throws at you,
And all the beatings that you take.

I know I don't know much at all,
But maybe you could help me see,
I want to know what's going on with you,
I want to help you be free.

Don't sit and suffer all alone,
Don't wallow in the darkness,
I know I'm not one to talk,
But it will make you feel useless.

Don't wait till it's too late,
Don't fall too deep,
It plays a rough game,
And if you lose everyone will weep.


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  • 17 years ago

    by A Phoenyx in Flight

    Wow this poem is soo sad
    you are an amazing poet

  • 17 years ago

    by ash uh lee

    Thats really good so cute<33

  • 17 years ago

    by Noelle Wright

    I can relate to this poem you just put it in better words then i could have thought of GRREEAAT JOOOB!


  • 17 years ago

    by PygmyPuff

    Theres such a simple erhyme scheme, I assumed it would be mediocre, but I was surprised to see a deeper talent within.



  • 17 years ago

    by XxXLost in His eyesXxX

    I loved this poem it is soo sad thou but i still loved it

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