The delicate bridesmaid

by MissBlueEyes   Apr 27, 2007

Its the girl dressed in white
All that satin and lace
With a big smile on her face
Facing the man that she loves

Its the man at the front of the church
Looking like he came in first
Facing the crowd with a smile on his mouth
Watching his bride walk his way

Im the delicate bridesmaid
Encouraging the bride as shes wed
Watching the groom with a heart full of tears
Wishing wed married instead
But i keep my head bent
And force a smile to please my best friend
No one can see that it hurts me

Its getting to me


Its after the pronouncement is made
And the bride shares her husbands last name
And the crowd cheers as the couple embrace
That the man turns to look at my face

I do nothing but give him a smile
Fake that Im happy for him and his bride
But he can see how Im feeling inside
He mouths Im sorry before he turns away

Its getting to me


As the faithful friend i take my seat
Grinning at the bride from her right
Then as she turns to greet her guests for the night
The groom turns and whispers to me

Darling, I love you, please listen to me
Its not my fault that its she that I married
But when she asked me that night
With all that love in her eyes
I didnt have the heart to say no
And since youd left me Id felt so alone
So I told her, since you love me, I guess so

Its getting to me


Its after the bride and groom share a dance
That he comes to me and says, Take my hand
Well steal away and theyll never hear from us again

I said, I love you but you dont understand
I could never do that to my best friend
You promised her youd stay til the end
Thats my final word, dont ask me again

Its getting to me


Its after they both cut the cake
The groom turns and asks the dj
Could you please play this one song for me?
So when the band takes a break the dj has the song play
And as I hear our song I fall to my knees

At once he is there by my side
Saying, Darling, I didnt want you to cry
I just wanted for you to believe
That its you that I want and I need

The guests all watch in surprise as he helps me to rise
And he kisses me until I cant breathe
Then he turns to the bride who has tears in her eyes
And says, Im sorry, I never should have agreed
Because its her that I love, that I need
And its her that must be by my side

Then she said, I dont know what to think
I guess I just wanted to believe
It was me that you loved all along
But the whole time I knew I was wrong
With my best friend is where you belong
Then she turned to me and whispered, Im sorry.


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  • 17 years ago

    by IMissYou

    I really liked this great poem hope you write more..x