
by Destiny   Apr 27, 2007

As I sit in a corner
Contemplating life or death
Contemplating whether or not to pop pills
Or cut my arms and legs
I slowly remember all the pain
Losing what is left of my sanity
Slowly breaking down
Feeling tears creeping out of my eyes
As painful memories return
Memories of what used to be pleasant things
Remembering all of the people who wouldn't care
Picturing the funeral where only few would show
Knowing all of them will be asking one question one
I can't take it
I am weak
As I lay down, crying
Wishing many would die
As my weakness prevails
Crying while many sleep
Dieing inside
Breaking inside and out


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  • 17 years ago

    by David

    Oh this is sad. well done with this poem. it was so strong and purposeful. the wording was excellent.

    5/5 david