Have you Ever (bulimia)

by No1ButMe   Apr 27, 2007

Have you ever been hurt so deep

Just by your reflection?

Have you ever considered yourself a failure

Because you'll never reach perfection?

Have you ever hated yourself

Just by what you see?

Do you even know what's its like

To understand what it's like to be me

To walk a mile in my shoes

Of self-hatred and doubt

To live a life of misery

Only wanting out

Have you ever looked in a mirror

And wanted it to shatter?

Just so you wouldn't have to look

Because that's all that mattered

Have you ever been so disgusted

That you wanted to throw it all away

When nothing else mattered

Not even what you have to say

As the voices took over

Nothing could cure your mind

Not even strong will

Not even time

Have you ever cried yourself to sleep

Staying up all night?

In a world full of darkness

Are you the one looking for the light?

Have you ever taken a laxative

Just to cure the pain?

Cutting up your skin

Thinking you've gone insane

Have you ever hung your head over the toilet

Tears dripping from your eyes?

Have you ever thought you were fat?

Soothing your mind with lies

Have you ever had an eating disorder

That never lets you have a meal?

When you do you have to get rid of it

Your life it's out to steal

Have you ever felt the way I have?

I feel like this every night,

But I will not relapse

This disease I will fight!


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  • 14 years ago

    by Lioness

    Hey girl,

    I can feel every emotion you have said in that poem. It really got to me. My sickness goes the other way though... I over eat. An emotional eater. It was really well written