"I know you well... and when I look at you my heart begins to swell...
I see your deeds,all done in kindness...
do not think I'm hindered by blindness...
little by little,day by day...
I find myself gazing your way...
hoping to see...
what just might be...
a reflection of your feelings for me...
but just when you look, I glance away...
hoping you hadn't caught my gazing ray...
a ray of love so sweet...
it'd set a dead man's heart abeat...
I admire and love you from afar...
but I fear I'm not up to par...
to love a man such as you...
would be my greatest honor,this is true...
now I see you from across the room...
and my love for you continues to bloom...
like a strong smelling,but delicate flower...
that engulfs you with it's power...
but I cannot let anyone see it...
if they find it my heart will rip...
forever it must be locked in a room...
a room so secure it's like a tomb..."