Why i care

by KAP DAR   Apr 27, 2007

You don't need permission
to care of the human condition
we are all part of humanity
of consciousness that grows
and i know the energy that flows
from my heart from my mind
is the energy that transcends
through all space and time
to want more for others
as you do for your self
is what mass consciousness
should be considered about
i know what comes around
is exactly the intentions
that we our selfs put out
my intentions are progressive
light years ahead of where i relegate
as Ive seen the world wake before me
there is still a day of good deeds before we
inter our thoughts weaved into the fabric of reality
free will did not mean
that there needs to be suffering
on the contrary in the next evolutionary
level wars will be a thing of the dark past
and light will fill
our minds hearts and souls at last
into existences of a dream untold.


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