Jumping to my last wish

by LaLa   Apr 28, 2007

The feeling of teardrops falling down my cheek
while i cry-i feel so weak
punching the walls, the ceilings, the floor
a headache has come; I'm screaming some more
cutting myself the feeling of pain
another scar has formed. again and again
blood rolling down from my arm to my bed.
you screaming at me, plays over in my head.
trying to strangle myself; cut off my air
i want to die because no one would care
breaking my hand from punching the wall
you cant catch me
for Ive already fallen
killing myself but i don't really care
closing my eyes; floating through the air
as i jumped my last wish came true
i wanted to die; suicide
take me from the pain
and the pain from you.


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  • 17 years ago

    by JEFF

    You seem to write from within, keep it up.
    very good poem.

  • 17 years ago

    by Sami Cakes

    You scare me sis

  • 17 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    Thats a heavy poem. its well written but very sad xxx take kare xx