What the hell did i just do?
What did i even say to you?
I swear to god i didn't mean it
It just came out wrong don't quit
Why would i ever do that on purpose
I care for you too much to do that kind of thing
Why, don't do this, it was just a little fling
It just kind of happened she took control of me
I swear to god we're meant to be
Why would i ever do that on purpose
I didn't mean to make you feel that way
Thats why I'm going to go away
Its my debt to you, my payment for all this shit
I love you with all my heart, I'm sorry for what I'm about to commit
No it isn't!
This one was in a league of it's own!
It's completely different from your other pieces and it's so much deeper..
I could interpret so many different meanings..