Arousing. Stirring an unkown feeling inside me.
Beloved. So unbelievably dear to me.
Chocolate. Life and love so sweet and delicate.
Destiny. Fate brought us together.
Eagerness. To see you every night.
Fervid. Holding you in my arms.
Goshawk. Free to do whatever we want; free to fly.
Herpes. What's life without risk?
Incogitable. No one would have thought of this.
Jeu de mots. Play on words; games of life.
Kiss. The first joining of us.
Love. What life is all about.
Martyr. In the battlefield of life, we are soldiers of love.
Neccesity. The need to have you; the need to love you.
Ordinary. Without you, it's just an ordinary world.
Plenteous. There's enough love to go around.
Quaver. My heart still speeds up when I see you.
Riches. Wealthier with you than I'd be with the richest man on Earth.
Schatz. You are my only treasure.
TGIF. The start of the weekend; days just for us.
Us. The essence of life.
Vast. So much love that it flows forever.
Wild. Everyone's a party animal sometimes.
Xebec. Floating out on the sea of love.
You. Everywhere I go; the only thing I see.
Zaftig. The beautiful woman and her handsome lover.
*a weird idea, I know. But each sentence has something to do with the definition of the word. And they said flipping through the dictionary wasn't rewarding! ;) *