One day

by Sarah Doyle   May 1, 2007

If i knew then
that one day
i would hurt
i would regret
and wish to turn down another path

would i have done things different?
would i have missed out on you
if it ment
i might
be in a better place now?

but what is that better place?
without you
i might be happier now
i might be in a better direction
life might be exactly what i expected ...

but what of the memories..
would i be willing
to forget all u have given me
the happiness
i once shared with you

the questions
on fresh on my mind
they toss around mindlessly
until i remember

without you
there is only a
in a better day
and without you
i wouldnt be
me Now

i may hurt
i may regret now
but one day
far from now
i will look back

know that
i truly am happier
to have had you there
and to have learnt my lessons

one day
when i heal
i wont regret
but thank-you


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  • 17 years ago

    by ECILA ice

    Honestly, one Great poem is written I like the message of your poem...BRAVO!!! keep up wrtting one great poe like this..great job