As you sit at home in your comfy recliner chair
With your glass of wine and bowl of stew
Spare a thought for me
Whilst I eat my bully beef and biscuits
As you watch your children perform their newest play
In fairy wings and pirate swords
Spare a thought for me
As I kiss their picture before I pick up my gun
As you freely spout your opinion on every subject
Spare a thought for me
As I take a bullet in the chest so you can do just that
As you walk freely in the leafy parks
Spare a thought for me
as the light ceases to shine and I pass into the hand of our lord
Spare a thought for the soldiers like me who
gave their lives to protect your freedom.
Donâ??t forget us
Educate our children and tell them of their brave grandparents who gave up everything they had so all people could walk freely and talk openly without fear
For a live lived in fear is a live not worth living.