
by Lynn   May 1, 2007

If i could fly
I'd fly across the world
to see the different places
But i can't
Cause i can't fly
I'm just imagining

But if I could fly
I'd fly across the night
to see the stars
But i can'
Cause i can't fly
I'm just imagining

But if i could fly
I'd fly across the day
To see the different people
But i can't
Cause i can't fly
I'm just imagining
Just imagining

But if i could fly
I could do all these things within the hours
But one can only imagine


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  • 17 years ago

    by Lemon Square Bear23

    That was a cute poem, i wish i could fly to i think itd be fun but yea i liked ur poem.
    5/5 alwayas