Story of My Life

by Alessandra   May 1, 2007

A boy stood in the distance, so sad and forlorn

His eyes were dry but his heart was torn

He tried so hard to think of something to say

But he was so broken, there was no way

No way could he think, no way could he speak

And he hated himself for being so weak

All he could feel was coldness in his veins

All he could see was a lifetime of pain

How much a person could change in one short year!

Twelve months before, he had had no cares

But then he had to go and fall in love

With a beautiful angel sent from above

And he knew she was in love with him too

After everything they've shared, everything they've been through

Those had been the happiest days of his life

Until one day, when he started a stupid fight

She'd left early, upset and in tears

He then made a mistake he'd regret for years

By sleeping with a girl he never saw again

Making him just like so many other men

And when the girl he loved discovered the truth

She packed her things and decided to move

Away from him, away from the past

Away from the love they thought would forever last

He begged and he pleaded, for weeks and months

Until he finally realized they were truly done

What made it worse was, this was his own fault

How he wished she'd listen and let him talk

What could he do, what could he say?

To keep her from moving away?

No...there was nothing he could do, nothing he could say

That would be able to make her stay

Now, as he watched the plane take off

He tried to ignore the pain in his heart

He slowly walked off, back to him home

No longer a home now that he's alone

Five years later, the boy had become a man

Had become a celebrity with millions of fans

Despite all the groupies, the riches and fame

As he lay in bed at night, he could only think of one name

Even after all these years, everything still reminded him of her

It truly seems lovesickness has no cure

Half a decade later, he still couldn't let her go

Still couldn't believe a girl could captivate him so

He dreamt of her every single night

Never wanting to wake up to daylight

Then, five years slowly turned to ten

A decade later, his heart still couldn't mend

It could never be fixed, it could never again be whole

Every time dawn broke, he felt pain in his soul

How could hell be more painful than this?

Could he again experience bliss, or did it no longer exist?

He decided he could take it no longer, his existence was worse than death

And the day before his birthday, he took his last breath

The world over mourned and weeped

As it watched his body be lowered six feet deep

And somewhere in ths world, a girl sat and cried

The sickness that had been in her heart had finally died

Doesn't it seem like such a shame?

For a rare love like theirs to go up in flames

What was even worse than the things that were done

Were the unspoken words spoken to no one

How could the girl know, she'd always been more than a girl

She was and always had been his heart, his life, his whole world


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  • 17 years ago

    by Sorefromreality

    That was an absolute amazing poem.

    the part where he became a celeb and was famous and rich was kinda far fetched but ended up working out, contrary to my immediate beliefs.

    i love the way theres multiple messages in this, and it makes the reader think well after uve read the poem.

    the rhyming was near flawless, and unlike most poems, it caught my attention.

    great job,
    love ya lots,


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