
by Tatiana Pizarro   May 2, 2007

Part 1.

You see with your heart
And pick love smart!
Don't need an explanation
It will amaze you with fascination

Part 2.

Deep within; your eyes will see
That for everyone Love's meant to be
To live life on Earth; find your soul mate
And truly become; life living on a wondrous date

Part 3.

Many say there are other fish in the sea
But me, I've found one special fishy
Sweetest to me, just so lovely, so rare
I'll find no other,...pssht we have each other


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  • 17 years ago

    by X Kashies Misery X

    Hehe aww that's really cute. And it's good to see that it isn't just babbling lines, it atcually makes sence, and it fits well together, and HEY! it rythmes too! you are very talented. Hehe, btw good luck with that person