Comments : Only A Friend

  • 17 years ago

    by Teria

    Wow. I have no idea why I was shocked at the end, Lol. My mouth dropped. :/ What a horrible way to die,eh.
    The poem was perfect, seriously. The flow, wording, rhyming and such. I particularly [sp] liked your choice of vocabulary. It was quite amazing. :]

    Wonderful Job, once again.
    keep it up, hun.
    <3 teria.

  • 17 years ago

    by Joshua Nelson

    Very nice!! real emotion. nice job. keep writing

  • 17 years ago

    by Run out of words

    Aww...well I love the way you talked about acidic rain. That's just a really cool topic, now that I think of it. What really bummed me was that you killed the character. Now it's your poem, and like everyone else said, it's perfect. However, I would have liked it if the guy didn't die...I mean even though he died figuratively speaking >.< hehe...I'm just tired of people dieing in poems. Besides my state of mind right now, wow nice job! I liked the poem and the usage of words.

  • 17 years ago

    by isabel

    A sad way to die... a beautifully written poem and an amazing choice of words, though...

    i can also feel related to it... it reminds me of my own life...
    well, anyway, it's a wonderful poem and you're a very talented writer.
    keep on writing

  • 17 years ago

    by Avrii Monrielle

    Be glad that at least they see you as a friend... to the one I feel for, I am who used to be a friend... that turned into a flirt that couldn't stop waving at him...

    I can only hope to pick up the pieces... at least you have a few pieces... I have to start all over :)

    Show them that you can be there for them... even friends are there through everything!


    btw... plz write more ^_^

  • 17 years ago

    by Colorful

    I liked ure poem but the ending was sad. But using expessive words made me inspired by ure work. Hehe. WEll keep up the great work and please do write often. I would like to read more of ure poems.

  • 17 years ago

    by Madelaine

    Thats a really good poem!

  • 17 years ago

    by Jackie

    I love the poem, sad ending, well written

  • 17 years ago

    by Iris

    This poem is sad, but i like it. the words just kinda flowed like water, y'know? keep up the good work!!

  • 15 years ago

    by Xx Shiny StarxX

    I really love dis poem

  • 15 years ago

    by Jenni Marie

    "Thunder rolls through the blackening skies
    As my eyelids fall over my lolling eyes
    Acidic lies fall from the sky like rain
    Burning my skin and rinsing the pain"

    ^^ I wasn't keen on "sky like rain" as it's commonly used, however I loved the usage of acidic lies here, it really captured my attention.

    "Your cold shoulder causes my heart to freeze
    Sending shivers down my spine with each breeze
    Spinning in a lugubrious silence
    With loneliness numbing my sense"

    ^^I didn'tlike this stanza..the first two lines seem of with the flow to me, and I didn't like the last two rhymes..maybe reword it or work on it a little?

    "Laying on the floor gasping for breath
    I perceive the dark visage of death
    I realize why I died as I begin to descend
    You came to regard me as only a friend"

    ^^You make up for the previous stanza with this one. The closing here is just beautiful, really hits the reader and tugs on the heart strings.

    I think this is good, but not your best.