Comments : Is that right?

  • Nicely written poem
    i like the massege because there are people who never seem to grow up, calling names, and their wearing masks trying to delude people into wrong pathes, but those people as u said sooner or later will realize how wrong they are..
    great job...
    those who are themselves are the one who will always stay true to their words..
    by the way thanks for the comment, truly appriciate it.

  • 17 years ago

    by halfwaytoinvisible

    I like this one. it makes you
    think about all those who are
    just MEAN. they have no heart.

  • 17 years ago

    by xxSnow Angelxx

    This 1 is a great write....u've expressed motions well thru this 1 n passed on a true message...u've portrayed the whole poem with a good style in a good manner..Kp it up!