She let them win

by Baby Rainbow   May 3, 2007

I miss her really bad
cant believe she was that sad
I'm annoyed cos she let them win
so what if she was too thin

I'm scarred with that image in my head
her body lying there, blood, cuts, glass, dead!
on her right arm she cut I'm sorry
on her left arm she burnt its over now

but off they go, not caring what they've done
its all their fault, now they've won!
she killed herself because of them
so does it make it right for me to do it then?

saffie 13


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Latest Comments

  • 17 years ago

    by she

    Oooh, wow, i'm soooo sorry for what happened,it's so sad.but
    dont ever give somone else the power to make you hurt yourself.

  • 17 years ago

    by xxSilentlyScreamingxx

    Aww thats really sad! sorry for what happened...its awful that people can make others want to die just because of how they look, what is our society coming to these days...