Within this universe

by KAP DAR   May 3, 2007

Theres a energy
within every thing
the intent that is spent
can make it right
or can make it wrong
Join and feel its delight
disjoin and feel something in spite
like walking down a noisy street
and being the noise
or none of this at all

Open your heart
where you seek mindfulness
regardless of me!
let the power of love
move inside your sole
filling your being
over flow and let it go
the constraints that
bind you of what
desires you've told

At night your beloved ones wander
Don't accept consolations
that which would make you die
and feel all ugly inside
you are worthy of more
hold your mouth closed
taste the truth in yours
your own truth not mine!

I've heard you yell and moan
he left me they left me
she left me too
twenty more have come
you are now empty of burden
Thinking of who created thought!

why would you stay a prisoner?
when the door is unlocked!
if not just ask
or use the key
thats in your hand
if its me you seek
or let me go forever

move outside this box
of thinking
of fears
Live in the infinite spirit always
be beautiful and the world is beautiful
never accept something less
to build you dreams
only the best will do
i know your thinking of me!
because I'm thinking two
but tonight its just me and you!

a universe that grows
knows no boundless
just as you do to.


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