I was driving with my husband
Down the driveway in our Caravan
The slush pushed away by the new tire
Put in by a mechanic who we thought was a liar
He claimed our brakes were faulty
And that soon much trouble there would be
If we did not do something soon
But we were smarter than that greedy loon
So I kept on backing up, backing up
Carefully, carefully, backing up
Then when were down I pushed the brake
And then we realized our fatal mistake
I could not stop! No matter how hard I tried
The tires would not rest! I guess for once he had not lied
I shut my eyes tight while I heard my husband scream, so rash
And then there came that one final crash
I gathered the courage to look behind
To see a girl in pink pig pajamas reading on a yellow couch, Catcher in the Rye
With one great aggravated sigh she lifted her head and took a look
At us, about to speak, but decided it'd be better to go back to her book
I was horrified, but I guess if you were there
Seeing the calmness in that ruined, messy lair
It would be very funny to see that scene,
If only a bystander, I had been!