Im a believer

by Naman Goel   May 5, 2007

Never before did I experience this fever.
I used to be a non-believer.
But thats not the way that I could stay.
Something made me sit and pray.
And its not because of my life so grey,
And its not something I encountered on the way;
But I never knew, that one day id have to live like this.
I never knew, that Id have to burn all the bliss.
How was I to ever know my fate?
How was I to know that you;d be my faith.
Im a firm believer now,
And it just happened, I dont know how;
And when, of my faith, people make fun
In hell I want them to burn.
The rage in me has just been woken.
And im damn serious about whatever ive spoken.
Through dark tunnels i walk, by the candle of your faith.
And when they tried to blow it out, all i can do is hate.
I'll burn myself, just to keep this fire alight.
I wont give up like that without a fight.


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  • 17 years ago

    by audrey harris

    Awesome poem, and great display of emotion! 5/5, for sure. Keep writing!

  • 17 years ago

    by Darlena

    Love this poem. Excellent ! GiVE ME SUM FEEDBACK 0N MY P0EM && C0MMENT iT, PLEASE. THANK Y0U !

  • I LOVE THIS POEM ...........5/5............u put alot of emotiom in this poem .......check out someof my poems and tell me what you think .thankz and great poem again ......keep up da good work