All You Need To Know

by I Seem to be the Heartless   May 6, 2007

I wrote you a letter
On the prettiest paper I could find
But the wind blew it out of my hands
And it landed at someone's feet.

The letter spoke of feelings so real
So true
So powerful.

But that someone
Just tore up the letter
And burnt it in the fireplace.

My letter,
My emotion filled letter to you,
Was gone forever
And you'll never get to read it.

But all you need to know
Is the main line which read:
" I hate you
And all you did to me "

All you need to know
Is that when that letter was burnt
All memories of you were taken along.

All you need to know
Is that I love my life without you
And this is my final goodbye.


This was done for a contest.


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  • 17 years ago

    by MaSkEdSoUl

    Pretty good, didnt expect it to end like that lol but I liked it. It had a good flow, great vocab and nicely expressed. First stanza was a great starter. Well done, 5/5