I cant do this anymore
i dont see your face at school anymore
why did you take your life?
even if i dont know you
i was here for you
like i always have been
you should have cried to me
then taking all these pills
you didnt even leave a sucdial note
did you ever care about the people that you were going to leave
all i heard from news
a young girl in cottonwood, take her own life by overdosing on pills
i couldnt hear anymore
i just shut off the tv and runaway
and cried
scearming your name
ask why
why did you do this?
you hide your pain so well
will just a fake smile
on you face
but i kinda slowy saw the pain
the last 2 days of you
1st day you didnt smile
2nd you look like you been crying
3rd you commites sucdial
it not the same at school
the teachers still call your name
and then they remember that you are gone
everyone is expect you to walk in the door
with all the pain gone and big smile on your face
but that wil never work that why
and now
i am just siting her asking why
why did she took her life?