by Goran Rahim May 7, 2007
category :
Love, romance /
lost love
You, |
So sweet this one is true great thought and feeling were in this poem |
by Melpomene
This was amazingly written.. The emotion was so strong as always in your poems and i cant say that enough. I truely found this to be superb and i really dont know what else to say to this as it just blew me away. Well done with this i truely enjoyed reading this and your others. Well done~mel |
by Ashlie
This a great are one of my favorite authors...and i love reading your poems..keep it up=] |
Your poems always make me say, "Awww!" out loud. Haha. I like how well the emotion in this piece is conveyed. It comes straight from the heart, and a strong impression of the persona is put across. Very nice. |
Aw.. im sorry i hope this isnt true.. its soo sad.. but still i LOVE it.. how you talk of such simple things.. like sending an email and running into an old friend.. its so natural and that makes the poem so much better.. you didnt try to add extra drama for effect.. you simply wrote you emotions and they were strong enough in themselves :D |