Baby, to make my day, all you gotta do is smile
No one wants us together, they lie, make drama.
But you baby, make it all worth while.
No matter what obstacles we face i will always be there
I stuck by you through drug abuse and more.
Baby you got to know, I really truly care
I could never just give up on us, not ever.
Hopefully you could never either
Our love seems so strong, i hope it's forever.
Others see that all you have are imperfections
mostly because your anger problems
But i see past the imperfections, babe you are perfection
To me your so called imperfections are merely just apart of who you are
I would not change you for the world i swear it
Will we be together for ever?I cannot tell, i cannot see that far
But all i know is this, you are my entire world and more
I am so proud of you and your accomplishments
You got past the drugs and now your doing great, baby its you i adore.