The end

by M   May 7, 2007

Shedding tears of anguish
Running down ones face
Splashing on hands
Dripping blood from ones veins
Having seen the battle of almighty
After the screaming evaporated
Ones soul tends to bleed
Then disappear into nothingness
A hollow forms inside ones self
Making no difference to outer appearance
Just blackness sweeping inside
In the end, one will fade with time


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  • 17 years ago

    by M

    Thnx^_^! im gonna try to write more soon...
    hope to hear from you soon..

  • 17 years ago

    by Shirani Graham

    ItS aN interestinG feelingS... donE verY nicelY... mY deepesT regardS 4 yR expressionS... 5/5 keeP iT uP anD writE morE....