Comments : Contrast Of Love

  • 17 years ago

    by Goran Rahim

    As always nice work Sir,
    your poems are always so touchy and great. everytime i read a poem by you, i learn something new.
    thanks for sharing

  • 17 years ago

    by Sweet lig

    Hmm honestly i read this poet twice coz its a bit long,, and now i can understand the whole package it has a good meaning for me and it seems this kinda a story... it quite touches my heart. but there are some lines it bothered me i think u have to double check it coz theres an error.. if u try to check u can see what i mean.. but the rest... still this poem keep me impress..4/8

  • 17 years ago

    by Startle Me

    I have to say...
    When I first saw this poem, I though.
    Oh bother.
    First words exactly.
    I was overwhelmed by the number
    Of words you have on this page.
    Maybe if you could space them out
    A bit more... then it would not be so
    For people like me
    Who believe first impressions
    Are the worst.
    Or something like that :p

  • 17 years ago

    by Startle Me

    When I read this...
    I was amazed.
    This poem is BEA-U-TI-FUL
    The first couple of stanzas
    When you mentioned the hips
    I thought it was going
    In my perverted mind...
    Going to be about sex.
    First I was disappointed,
    When I read on and realized
    They were going to get married
    I thought it was sweet.
    Some of your lines seems line
    You had a lot to say
    But the next line, the rhyming one
    You just don't know what to say
    So you force it.
    If you don't know what I mean,
    I'm sorry...
    You can PM me about it, though :p
    Well done, m'dear.
    5/5 :]

  • 17 years ago

    by Fsams

    You have put so much feelings into this piece its brimming with emotions dear. Well since it is a love poem it ought to have that quality and it is there in it. I would like to advise you to check for punctuation mistakes. However its worth 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by Ashley Ann

    5/5 good poem but long lol... keep up the good work

  • 17 years ago

    by Pete

    This is completely different from what I was expecting after reading a few of your other pieces. Its absolutely full to overflowing with such raw emotion. Lovely sentiment, and as I have already come to expect; a wonderful story to it.

    I think I have made it quite clear what my thoughts are on huge blocks of text, rather than structured stanzas .. so I'll leave that alone.

    Some of your rhymes seemed to be a little forced to me, like you just had to put something in because it rhymed, i would try and work on that.

    My major reccomendation to you would be to use stanzas - it is so much easier on the eye.

    Regardless of my critiques, this is well worthy of the 5 I am surely going to give it.


  • I really liked it. It really touched me. Great job!!!

    <mOnStRiTo'S pRiNcEsS>

  • 17 years ago

    by Wallace

    Wow that was very emotional. But the punctuation needs to be improved. I dont like reading poems without proper verses, it looks more like a story than a poem. However, a good job in the end. But I'll give it a 4/5 just because of the lack of verses.

  • 17 years ago

    by NyellMoonlight

    Very interesting story behind a poem, it kept my attention from the beginning to the end. I like the way you wrote it, and created good flow with rhymes.
    You should correct copy/ paste mistakes in the poem, it takes just few minutes to do that, and then poem leaves better impression.

  • 17 years ago

    by Miranda

    Great poem.I think you should try some more complex rhymes next time.These ones were too simple.Example:lips,hips.

    Very great poem about some of the conflicts some people have to go though.Romantic and creative.

    A 5/5,
    Keep writing,

  • 17 years ago

    by Jenni Marie

    Okay, say it with me. Spacing. Lol.

    I really enjoyed this, but the structure of this really ruined the poem for me. I had to keep going back while I was reading as I kept losing where I was up to.

    "and their commitment for back other never did slack."

    Back other??

    I really liked this, it was beautifully written and despite being kinda long, it held my interest throughout the entire piece.

    The flow was flawless throughout, the imagery was wonderfully painted and the content and concept were beautifully portrayed.

    "but the lesson they lived should be understood by me and you.
    It is not what is on the outside that defines the person you can be,
    It�s the way we act that endures others you and me."

    ^^Oh how I love that, I found that to be beautifully expressed, with a great message behind the words. A perfect ending to such a beautifully written poem.