Comments : He told me he was different....

  • 14 years ago

    by thelittlebrat

    How painfully true, I really love this piece of work! :D

  • 8 years ago

    by Em

    Missy this is probably so relatable to many of us and I know I can truly relate. Yes, we want love but to be a second guess or a bit on the side well, none of us deserve that But i guess sometimes it's all we have unfortunately for the care we need even of we know it isn't true. I like how you capitalise the 'my' it puts a real empathies' onto it.

    1: Sorry means nothing when it happens time and time again that he goes to her and tells her what he should be telling you. He will probably not dream of any of you because you cannot love two people, not truthfully anyway. Is the ~ meant to be there?

    2: I am vigorously shaking my head here... Walk away and don't look back.

    3: This is such a hard hitting stanza as its happened To me many times... "Oh I love you, we are forever" yet behind my back they are saying it to some other girl and what make sit worse is we believe it.

    4: I love the second hand rose line here because its like she has rejected him and his olive branch (rose) so he comes to you with his tail between his legs. Glad you chose to walk away because no one deserves this treatment.

    5: Love love love this!!!

    Fantastic unforced rhyming.

    • 8 years ago

      by missy

      Thank you for your comments on my poems. This was written so many years ago, and it WAS something I was experiencing. I have not written a single poem in 9 years, forgot all about posting on this site until many memories being brought back as I read my poems.