by PoeticalHeartless   May 9, 2007

I want a mother...
I want a mother whose not going to put men before her kids,
I feel like you sometimes hate me,
Sometimes I don't want to be here anymore,
I cut until I can't stop bleeding and you don't even notice,
Everything you ever dreamed of is falling apart right in front of you,
Mom I'm falling apart,
Falling apart because of you,
If only you understood



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  • Diss p0em wuz a bit t0uchin i kinduh undusstand h0w iht feeLs yet again i d0nt unduhstand kLeary bek0s iht's yy0ur p0int 0f view !! buhh [h0L` 0n tight && kL0se yy0ur eyess && in thaa end G0D wiLL puLL y0u thru"

  • 17 years ago

    by Princess

    Ii know da feeliing but ma mom abandoned me 11 years ago for drugs nd men 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by heather

    -if this is true i want 2 tell u that i understand. sometimes people make mistakes but that doesnt mean u have 2 fall w/ them. i have definitely had a rough past and i know what it feels like 2 b alone and put down. send me private messages and ill b more than glad 2 write back . keep strong, for u. not for anyone but u. please message me if u want to because im here 2 talk! much love, heather