He came to me as a gift from above
And became my world, my heart, my everything.
He changed my whole world with his love,
And brought a happiness that only he could bring.
I prayed each night that God would protect this precious life
And bring him home safely each and every night.
And as each day would come to an end,
I became anxious for tomorrow I would see him again.
Then one morning my whole world fell apart.
All our hopes and dreams were lost,
And I was left alone with a broken heart.
An accident caused us to pay the ultimate cost.
I lost the one that made me whole.
Didn't God hear my prayer?
How could He take such a beautiful soul?
Does He really even care?
Friends and family all came
To comfort and console me.
But things will never be the same,
And neither will I be.
No longer am I anxious for tomorrow,
For he no longer will be there.
I am so sick with all my anger and sorrow,
For this pain is so hard to bear.
People say that time will heal,
That I will make it through the rain,
But that doesn't change the hurt I feel
And it doesn't ease the pain.
Now I only see him in my dreams,
So I hate each morning when I awake.
I will never be happy again it seems,
But I continue to try for my parent's sake.
So I put on a fake smile and fight the tears
To make it through the day.
But secretly I wish for my daddy's biggest fear,
The day I will see my baby when God takes me away.