Your snappy, Snarly,
you shout and stomp,
you make me feel like the low of low...
But yet I still love you, your the world to me, you make me feel like someone again, you always make it up to me and you always get me through, you spent the day with me, you made it up to me, I feel like I could fly to heaven, I would rather that that in the sea...
You stop me from sinking you stop me from death, you protect me from the bad men and stop them from being so mean...
You put up with my personality, you put up with my obsessions, you put up with my childishness and you love me all the same...
I love you Becky with all my heart and no one will ever change it :D<3
I mean it Becky, today was special XD<3<3<3<333
I told you i did not mean to be nasty, snappy
i felt so bad from what i had dome an the way your mood droped that i was holding back tears each time i looked at you because i could see what i had done. I broke down cos i was cross with my self cross and angry for doin what i did and i am sorry please forgive me i do not miss to brake down from guilt over this again