I Don't Understand

by Lauren   May 13, 2007

I don't understand,
Why we always fight.
Or why I'm left crying,
On this cold winter's night.

It took us so long,
To get together.
I know that we both,
Want it to last forever.

My feelings for you,
Are so very strong.
Whenever we argue,
I'm always the one who is wrong.

I don't like it when we fight,
Cause then you treat me bad.
I'm so sorry babe,
I didn't mean to make you mad.

You said that you were leaving,
And this time it was for good.
I tried to move and stop you,
But I was frozen where I stood.

I watched as you,
Stormed out the door.
The tears rolled down my cheeks,
And I fell to the floor.

This is killing me inside,
It's hurting my heart.
How did this happen?
We were fine at the start.

Things slowly changed,
Over a period of time.
All I want is to be yours,
And for you to be mine.

I'm sorry if I upset you,
I really don't mean what I say.
Please come back to me,
Things can't end this way.

You and I are the perfect couple,
Everyone thinks so.
I don't know what I would do,
If I ended up losing you.

I would fall apart completly,
Cause I need you so much.
Even at this very moment,
I need to feel your touch.

I'll sit here and wait for you,
To come home to me.
Cause you and I both know,
That's the way it should be.


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