A Broken Child, A Broken Home

by Bryan   May 13, 2007

He sits here alone under his broken bed,
feeling the bruise on the back of his head.
His mom and dad are outside, yelling at each other,
he wished he had a new dad and a new mother.
His wish comes true as he sits there and hides,
his dad killed his mom, then he commits suicide.
So the boy is sent away, to a new mom and dad,
a new happy family, now he wont be so sad.
But his happiness is short, for now he finds,
that his new parents are bad, they're not so kind.
They beat on him just as his parents did before,
he hides again, begging for them to do it no more.
They yell at him all day, call him different names,
making him feel unloved, making him feel ashamed.
He tells other people, but they don't seem to care,
nobody tries to help him, there is nobody there.
He runs away from home, hoping to get away,
but the police find him walking near the end of the day.
They take him back home, to his hateful family
because nobody knows, there is nobody to see.
All that he has been through, all of the pain.
he is too scared, he doesn't know how to explain
so now he wishes he had a new mom and dad,
to take away the pain, so he wont be so sad.
His wish comes true, they write his name on a stone,
now he will stay with Jesus forever, now he is not alone.

i read a story in a newspaper and it made me cry, the boy goes from one abusive family to another until they finally go too far. so i want you to pray for every child that has to go through such abuse that maybe they will get a family that truly loves them.


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  • 16 years ago

    by Jessica

    This made me tear up. :(

    That's horrible that anyone would have to go through something like this. I guess it really shows you how cruel people can be.

    This was a wonderful poem. not only was it full of emotion but each line flowed so well that it kept my attention throughout the whole thing. (I'm easily sidetracked, haha.) I'll pray that anyone going through this sort of thing will make it out okay and become stronger in the long run. I'm thankful to have the life that I have, this was a real eyeopener. Great job, I look forward to reading more of your work.

    - Jessica

  • 16 years ago

    by TwistedAngel xx

    Congratulations on coming second in my poetry contest with this poem.

    I just have to say it was one of the most saddest poems I have seen so far on this site.

    It really broke my heart to know it was based on a true story and what makes it even sadder is its not the only time it will happen.

    I have people who are in this type of situation in my thoughts and thank you for bringing it to my attention.

    Sometimes we go through life always thinking of ourselves or who we know and dont care to think about the people who are in horrible situations or people who are crying out for help.

    Truly a beautiful poem and you should be proud of your poetry, what I have seen so far is gorgeous.

    well done

  • 16 years ago

    by xoOrdinaryGirlox

    A truly amazing yet so sad. It's unfortunate that this sort of thing happens right beneath our noses, yet we turn our heads unaware. It's so sad.

    I truly loved the last stanza, it was a beautiful ending. So much emotion. The whole thing just draws you in and then you just don't want to stop.

    Amazing. XoOrdinaryGirlxO

  • 17 years ago

    by blind soul

    Omg this is the most saddest poem iv ever seen! im almost crying it was so sad but so well with emotion! i love it it makes me want to save all the kids who get abused! I LOVE THIS POEM!

  • 17 years ago

    by ILoveRobbie

    Awwwwwww this is a really sad poem.....
    But I think its great. 5/5