Out To Pasture

by Robert   May 13, 2007

Just like a horse put out to pasture for life,
They give me a watch for all my working strife.
A pat on the back, saying I did just a good job,
Only to be told to go home and watch television like a slob.
Your time is done for that boy is now going to take your place,
a commitment to profit that we all have to face.
We need new blood to circulate ideas that are new,
for the equipment we work with are not for you.
That boy can give us 20 years of service and help us go to the top,
and soon you will be too old and just drop.
Go out in style we all must one day,
for your work is done here now go away.
The man pauses and packs what his whole life use to be,
now is stamped elderly unwanted and set free.
He finds happiness in the dusk of his life he must admit,
But if you ask him was it worth all the pain he say your full of shit!!!


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  • 17 years ago

    by Jenni Marie

    I enjoyed the emotion you put into this.
    I liked how you conveyed real life struggles here, and I'm sure so many people will be able to relate to this write.

    On the whole, beautifully written.

  • 17 years ago

    by Choose xX Alex Xx Life

    Real good job, loved the vocab you used in this one xxx alex xxx

  • 17 years ago

    by Lisa

    Great work,came from theheart
    keep it up!

  • 17 years ago

    by NyellMoonlight

    All in all, you did good job on this piece, it is realistic and it contains a lot of emotions.
    I don't like non- original rhymes because they ruin the impression for me. I prefer deep, metaphorical poetry, this is just not my taste.

  • 17 years ago

    by ALEX

    Angry? Frusterated? I'm not sure. I'm not sure if this is about you. You're only thirty-five, right? Anyways, tons of emotion in there. Lots of imagery and super description. Maybe just work on your rhymes. There's some really cool rhyming websites out there (maybe that's cheating, but w/e) that give you tons and tons of them.