I force myself to deny
The things i happen to find
Her letters to you make me sad
And drive the Jealousy inside me mad
Why must you do this to me?
I truly though we could be...
And yet i blind myself so i don't see
The truth behind your lieing deeds...
I want to close my eyes and disappear
Push away all the shedding tears
And destroy this terrifying fear
that has kept me with you for years
I want to start over again
And live without you till the end
You and her can now be one
a family along with your son
I'm tired of being scared
this relationship was never fair
To me or my heart
Which by the way you tore apart
I'm out of your grasp
I am free at last
How could i have fallen into your trap?
We're done
I'm gone
The things you did were wrong
Yet i will stand tall and strong
i have closed my eyes and disappeared
pushed away the shedding tears
Destroyed the terrifying fear
And Broken the knot we had for years