I Want You

by I Seem to be the Heartless   May 14, 2007

I once wanted nothing more
Than just to be with you
But one day I woke up
And you said we were through

I felt so confused
I didn't want to believe
You were the one who promised
You would never leave

You said you would
Always be mine
That you would be with me
Until the end of time

But now you're gone
And I feel so sad
I want you, Baby,
I want you bad

I wish you could see
The pain in my eyes
This longing inside
For your demise

I cannot get this yearning
Out of my head
I want you, Baby,
I want you... DEAD!



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  • 17 years ago

    by MaSkEdSoUl

    Oh wow, total shocker at the end lol. Like the first person said people can relate to it. I like how it ended, I dont think people would expect it to end like that. Well done!

  • 17 years ago

    by PoeticJustice

    Damn. i like where you wnt with it. it is very nice.