Comments : Coming out

  • 17 years ago

    by Destiny

    WOW!! I know how that feels. I moved last year and i had to come out to a new school and everything. even though iam not gay but bi there are many similarities. Excellant poem. Please keep writing. Message me if you ever need to talk.

  • 17 years ago

    by YourThe ReasonIDiedTonight

    That is so sad but very true people when they dont understand become arrogant and try to destroy the thing that they dont understand

    sadly most of the time it is againgay, bi or lesbians......

    the poem was a sad but brilliant portrayal of just that….amazing job it made me cry knowing that the same thing has happened to me


  • 16 years ago

    by she

    Wow, really good!

  • 11 years ago

    by Lost Soul 691

    You've captured the thoughts and emotions of so many. I look forward to the day when people are no longer judged based on sexual preference but rather for the person they are. Good write.