Non violent offenders

by KAP DAR   May 14, 2007

People who make poor chooses
have bad luck or different taste
should not be locked up
to satisfy society's thirst
for blood or some one to blame
for there own dissatisfaction with reality
people who are vindictive
will pay higher taxis
and weaken thee economy
with less money they have to spend
to keep Innocent non violent offenders
rotating through the system
society as a whole have not learned
from this same hysteria in the past
have they no compassion?
what is it that they lack?
what is this need to bully up on individuals?
there is no evolution from political ignorance!
is there not rational consequences?
among thee irrational masses?
non violent offenders have never hurt any one!
and yet they are treated just the same
they are only human doing what humans do
living in the world that we create
it has nothing to do
with me or you
but it does when some one you care about
is locked up for what?
they only hurt them selfs you see
but thats not for any one to decide
personal growth can only come from inside
putting people through the judiciary system
does nothing for there self esteem or there lives
it does nothing for humanity
it does nothing for community
where is the logic in all of this?
because i can not find any
not a single one!


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  • 17 years ago

    by KAP DAR

    I know and what makes it even more true is that people who have not forgiven them selfs for past misstaks can not for give others

    finding forgiveness is the first real step in healing i believe no one is perfect and to embrace our imperfection is to love our selfs unconditionally thee highest form of love..

  • 17 years ago

    by Lori Lee

    Thats so true. 5/5