Love You to Death

by I Seem to be the Heartless   May 15, 2007

I cried myself to sleep last night
Cried until it hurt
I kept cutting myself
Until the cuts burnt

How could I ever forget you
Or the love we had?
How could I once have been so happy
And now be so sad?

I still love you, Baby,
And that's a fact.
Don't you remember we said we'd be forever -
We made a solemn pact

But now you're gone
And all I'm left with is a whisper
How could you run off
With my very own sister?

I forgive you, my Sweet,
Just as I always did
I've seen through every lie
Even your "tiny white fibs"

Now as I sit beside your bed
Watching you sleep
I pray for God
Your soul to keep

And now for the final time
My fingers through your hair I'll trace
Then with gentle yet brutal force
I'll place the pillow over your face

As your struggle ends
It gives way to stillness
I whisper and smile,
Completely guiltless:

"I will always love you
Until your last breath
I love you, my Angel,
I love you to death"

15 May 2007


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  • 17 years ago

    by Gem


    "As your struggle ends
    It gives way to stillness
    I whisper and smile,
    Completely guiltless:

    "I will always love you
    Until your last breath
    I love you, my Angel,
    I love you to death""

    Those last two stanza's were outstanding and totally in a league of thier own!
    It was so amazing. Ah, i can't say enough adjectives! lmao
    Pure excellence, i loved it!

  • 17 years ago

    by MaSkEdSoUl

    Wow...that was really good. Very well written, so much saddness. Got shocked at the sister part. I Loved the ending, it was perfect. On this line:

    "I still love, Baby,"

    Did you mean to say I still love you, baby? or not? if not then oops. Great poem! 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by LostKitsune

    I love this're awesome for making this...