Night Time Adventure

by Cindy   May 16, 2007

While taking a stroll one star lit night
We bumped into the Man in the Moon
While stopping to have a little chat
Who should walk by, the dish and the spoon

Skipping a tune along the Milky Way
Met up with Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
She was shining so brightly in the sky
Yet she took time to ask how you are

Flying by Peter Pan, Tinkerbell in tow
He invited us all to come along
Soaring with him through the night
All the while he was singing a song

Flying over his home of Neverland
We saw the pirate ships down below
Then off to the land of Nursery Rhymes
Where all the flowers grow in a row

Landing near the Old Woman's Shoe
Humpty Dumpty safely perched on his wall
Excited we ran over to say hello
Before we could reach him he had a fall

Little-Bo-Peep searched for her sheep
Boy Blue was asleep in the hay
We tried to get them to join our fun
Both said they were much to busy to play

Waving good-bye to everyone we met
We'll be back to visit again someday
When we have another trip to go on
Maybe then you'll have time to run and play

Off we flew into the night-time sky
Leaving our travels and new friends behind
Again in our beds dreaming hours away
Till next time another adventure to find.

* Written for childrens week *

Written By: Cynthia Graver May 15, 2007


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  • 17 years ago

    by Tara Kay

    Cindy, i smiled while reading this, it was nice to remember all the nursery rhymes and characters.
    Thank you so much
    love Tara-Kay

  • 17 years ago

    by Wallace

    Amazing truly amazing. Fantastic work, keep it up.

  • 17 years ago

    by Gem

    I missed this one!
    It was so gorgeous Cindy!
    I loved recognising all the different characters you included in this piece!
    It was outstanding!
    Excellent rhythm as always m'dear =)

  • 17 years ago

    by Gem

    I missed this one!
    It was so gorgeous Cindy!
    I loved recognising all the different characters you included in this piece!
    It was outstanding!
    Excellent rhythm as always m'dear =)

  • 17 years ago

    by Fsams

    Cinthia its a v nice poem. U hav included cool characters. Keep taking us to new new adventures. 5/5