Breath [ZaniLa Rhyme]

by HOLLYWOODxBANGBANG   May 17, 2007

Rain fell against his sweet face and he -
Stood with his eyes set on mine.
As I counted the stories in his eyes,
The passion in mine began to shine.

His breath was clouding in the crisp air,
When he took me in his arms,
And he held me close enough to hear -
His heart beat with an innocent charm.

"Paint me a picture and paint it bright,
But please silhouette us softly -
Against the sacred Sailor's sky line,
And have your head rested onto me."

He whispered gently into my ear,
And I looked to him and sighed:
"I'll paint you a picture, if you can -
Promise me life, looking in my eyes."

Taking my hand, he began to cry,
And his breath swirled through the air,
As he looked into my eyes and said:
"I've walked my life living on prayers -

But with you, I just know it is right,
So paint us beside this tree,
Under this flawless black summer sky,
With you holding tightly onto me."

And a tear shone in my bright blue eyes,
As I looked to him, and said:
"I'll get it all, Darling, you and me -
With your breath coating my heart of red."

-Jenna. Elphick
May 16, 2007


The ZaniLa Rhyme, a form created by Laura Lamarca, consists 4 lines per stanza. The rhyme scheme for this form is abcb and a syllable count of 9/7/9/9 per stanza. Line 3 contains internal rhyme and is repeated in each odd numbered stanza. Even stanzas contain the same line but swapped. The ZaniLa Rhyme has a minimum of 3 stanzas and no maximum poem length.



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  • 17 years ago

    by disturbed one gonna have to go read it again, I dozed off with like 2 stanzas left....

    Dont worry it wasnt your poem...i went to bed at 1 and got up at 5 this why =D

  • 17 years ago

    by Chrissie

    Damn girl! Talk about talent..I truely adored this peice..the last stanza actually made my heart skip a beat! Well done hun. Keep it up. Xx Chrissie