I liked it. I thought it was well written.
But I think it doesn't need the last two lines.
*Run my friends
Run fast
Into the moon lite night,
Sing to the sky of your hunt
Come close together and sing
Sing my friends, sing to the,
Moon the Sky and the Stars.*
Oposed to this: *Run my friends
Run fast
Into the moon lite night,
Sing to the sky of your hunt
Come close together and sing
Sing my friends, sing to the,
Moon the Sky and the Stars.
Run my friends,
Run fast for the Hunt is on!*
I dunno.. You don't have too listen to me..
Still well done.
17 years ago
by Iris
Yes!! The hunt is on!.......sorry, got caught up in the moment there.^^ This poem is awsome!!I like it very much. Keep it up!!