Sacred lands

by KAP DAR   May 17, 2007

Sacred lands are where the native people once lived
lands where the waters ran clean
lands where there wore fields of green
astonishing to me these wore once my people
ancestors so many moons ago
in a significant way i feel disarray
because these lands that are sacred
have been used and abused
every signal way factory's pollute
company's don't give a flying hoot
about the land that was made for the world
to share for you and me
riped off in the worst way
when will man ever learn
hopefully before its gone too far
if its not too late
will our fate be thee exception
rather than the rule
does it even matter
if the land can no longer bear
and the bees have all gone some where
where no one really knows
because its where no man gos
some where untouched
by the hand of mans machines
where the birds and bees grow vigorously
i know some where there is a paradise
with beautiful canopy trees
verdant lined lakes and streams

but what i know no one can see
no one can touch
not one of these things
for every part of this soil is sacred
ever leaf on ever tree is golden
to be acknowledged and respected
with every single seed
embraces the sun and soon shall see
results of that love

may our fellow animals dwell
upon this plan as friends
not food nor foe
i yield to them to a higher awareness
knowing that all things are great
no faith just common sense
no revelations only open eyes
and a open mind to this evidence
no guru only ones self
no ego i could never edge god out
not even one single part of thee
for all things are sacred
so on and so be
god becomes us all eventually...


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  • 17 years ago

    by Shelly

    This is very amazing, it shows you care for the earth ^^ Well done 5/5