Words of my hero

by lizzle   May 18, 2007

I remember when you
said!!!!that life wasn't
ganna be easy!!!
that i would get hurt
get made fun of to the
point where i felt like dirt!!

that i would get pushed down
but you told me to never ware
a frown!!to get back up on my feet
and to never admit defeat!

to always be strong!even when
life feels wrong!!!!!!
that i need to find my own
life song!!

and no matter what,always
be me!!!you said thats the only thing
that will set myself free!!

nobody's perfect and now
i understand that this is
gods master plan!!!

i know some moments
ill want to cry!
fall to my knees
and just want to die!!

you said thats OK cause tomorrow
will be a better day!!

but i remember one day
it didn't turn out that way
you were in the hospital for
about a week!!when my mom
got the call i couldn't help
but fall to my feet!!

you had past away
my life wasn't OK!nothing
was the same!!!

but i knew i had to be Strong
stand up to my fears and get rid
of those tears
but ill always remember you for the rest of
my years!!


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