I lie here
Underneath the heavy air
That you left me to breath in
Cuz your not around
I cry here
Beyond the locked door
That you forced me into
Cuz you don't want to be around
But Ill find a way out
And you're not gonna like it
Ill make her disappear
Ill make you scared
Cuz you didn't give me a chance
You walked out once you toke my hand
And you're the only one to have taken it
You said those words
Left my heart as it was
Half there but half ripped in half
But that wasn't enough
No you set up your trap
Then let the seam unravel
She lies there
Probably in your air
That she breaths in herself
Cuz your always around
She doesn't cry there
Doesn't have to be locked away
Cuz unlike me, you want her to stay
So shes okay
I should've expected
Should've guessed that
You would always love her more
Just like in the beginning
When I was still just a friend
You toke her hand as well
But she didn't stay fell
She wanted to get out
So she hurt you real bad
But your not mad
And when you set up your trap
You made sure
It didn't unravel again