Your you

by Amanda   May 18, 2007

I sit alone on my bed
Thinking about what you did

I cry and then I stop
You don't care
why should I?

I'm not sure why I do
I feel so empty
I feel like a knife
was stabbed into my heart

My heart bleeds everywhere I go
I see other people with theirs
Why aren't you here?
Why do you want me to be alone?

If you think your better off
without me
then be that way
but don;t you feel bad?

I can't believe I cry over you
you probably have never cried for me
you don't care
you don't love me

Why do i love you
why do i care so much
Why do i try so hard?
When you don't.

Are you trying to make me sad?
Are you trying to make me want you?
Its like you are ripping my heart out
and stabbing it and putting it back in

But wait you couldn't that
you never see me
you cant touch me
you can only hurt me emotionally

You can;t see the tears i cry
the smiles i make
the pictures i draw
the people i meet

you don't care.
Why do i ?
I want to stop
but i can't

I love you
why can't you love me?
you aren't perfect but since when is anyone?
but you are still who i love

my heart longs to know why
I love you
and you could care less

Please come see me
like in my dreams
or maybe even a phone call
maybe a visit to see you

I want to watch movies
want to drive around
want to see you
want to be with you

You are mine, I am yours
Why don't you love me
I should be your world
you are mine

I don't want to cry anymore
but I cant stop
to many memories
that cannot happen again

I will still always love you
no matter what
its me
and your you


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