Walking along in the dark
Along a corridor where I cant see
This light in my hand,
It barely lights my path,
Yet I continue along,
Continue along my way,
Walking in the dark,
My feet not stumbling,
My feet treading a path,
Somewhere I will walk,
The light not going far,
To have a hand to guide me,
Would mean no stumbling,
To have someone by my side,
Would free me from loneliness,
But still I wander along,
Along the passageways,
The darkness surrounding me,
My path unknown to those,
Those who are in the light,
Those who have a brighter light,
Those who see their path,
Those who wander fast,
My feet tread softly,
No sound reaches their ears,
As I walk these dark corridors,
My feet tread paths,
They wish not to tread,
I stand on cliffs,
They can not reach,
From the places they hide,
I step not in those places,
For I like these dark corridors,
Where I spend my waking hours.