Society can not think philosphy is dead

by KAP DAR   May 21, 2007

In short, to attempt to change the intellectual foundations of a society, one must feel at home in the world of ideas. One must feel a personal connection with principle, a sense both that principles matter to one's personal life and that one can have a personal say in what they should be. This necessarily puts one out of step with society, with the established methods for broadcasting intellectual work. The fact is that in today's society, philosophy has no place. The study of philosophy, yes, the history of ideas; but philosophy itself, philosophy as an active living thing, no. There are not the transmission belts which might connect thinker and society. Or rather, these belts are only to be found within official compounds, societies in themselves which seldom convey any thinking into the wider world beyond.

Things have progressed to this stage because of the fault in our ideal of objective knowledge, the irrationality at the heart of rational beliefs. Objective knowledge is a simply impossible ideal for the reason that one can never bypass one's own subjective mind. One can never have a direct access to reality, independent of oneself. The moment a piece of evidence enters one's mind it is contaminated with one's subjectivity, no longer a manifestation of the natural Truth to be found out there. There are no "facts" as such for us to sit down before; we are never entirely neutral observers, always contributing something, always shaping our perceptions with our prior beliefs. The objective ideal is clearly ludicrous.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Grim

    Dig-I'm glad I'm not the only one